Sunday 22 June 2014

Right size

OK SK if your 6ft don't ride a 14hh horse even if your trainer says so 5 foot to 5'7 is pk for 14 to 14.4hh to look right  its pretty easy to tell if there to small or to big if your 6 foot and riding a 16.3hh horse the horse isn't to small

Friday 20 June 2014

diffrent horse sports

copied from wiki :)

how to read a horses ears

ok so today is about lesarning how to tell a horse!!!!!

so you want to know how to read a horses ears witch is the most important reading

if a horses ears are back like in the picture it usually means back off or

  1. go away
  2. a warning to back away to animals or humans
  3. i might bite or nudge
  4. or scared
  5. or annoyed
if a horse has his or her ears back just be careful of the steps you take after you can push their head witch might bring there ears to a different state.

if a horses ears are up like this there paying attention to whatever it may be  or if your offering it something it is interested say out on a trail your horses head goes left and ears go up he or she hears or sees something look with your horse

if a horses ears are relaxed there ears are usally like this and it means there relaxed

if a horses ears are like this they may be listening to you and something esle

Sunday 23 February 2014


Only stand behind a horse you know will not kick and always warn a horse that you are going behind usually try to go under there neck or far enough behind them that If they kick they can't hit you.

Learning to ride its important to use a helmet really all the time but of course its your choice

Always make sure the tack is adjusted to you (stirrup leathers, helmet)

Never go in a pasture of more then 3 horse with treats unless you know them very well or they are yours  just because horses could nip you or each other causeing a fight witch isn't fun

Thursday 30 January 2014

how to brush a horse

tie up your horse to make sure the horse will not walk away
use a curry comb to losen the dirt do medium speed strokes  work from the neck to the barrel is best
use the dandy brush  do fast strokes to remove hair or dirt  start from head to barrel as well
do not use on the face or ears
those are only useing the basic grooming tools there is more to it but this is for quick grooming

20 tips for beginners or even expirianced horse people

  1. Approach the horse at a 45° angle to the shoulder while saying his/her name. This approach is least likely to startle the horse.
  2. When greeting your horse on the ground, offer the back of your hand to smell for a proper introduction
  3. Refrain from mounting a horse in a confined area with low roofs or doorways
  4. Have someone hold the horse’s head the first few times you mount it
  5. Wear jeans and boots with a heel
  6. Always wear a helmet
  7. Do not shout if your horse takes off or spooks
  8. Never wrap the slack of the lead rope around your hand
  9. Keep your hands as still as possible while handling the reigns
  10. Loosen up and move your body with the horse. Tensing up will cause you to bounce.
  11. Help direct your horse by looking to the place where you want to go. Horses are very intuitive and will pick up on your focus. Horses go where your eyes go.
  12. Point your toes to the sky and heels down while riding
  13. Keep your back straight without slouching
  14. Avoid the natural tendency to hold your breath
  15. Don’t zone out. Horses are often unpredictable and need constant attention
  16. Be patient
  17. Be kind to the horse’s mouth by not holding the reigns too tight
  18. Start with an experienced horse, as they tend to have the best temperament
  19. Be sure to have a qualified instructor
  20. As the adage goes, don’t be afraid to get back on the horse if you fall!